Dog Training
Dog training & behavioral services in Garmond, Abereenshire, AB53.
We run fun and effective training classes at our fabulous secure location in Garmond, Aberdeenshire AB53.
Many classes are available and take place on weekday mornings and at weekends. There is something for you whether you have a puppy, older dog, inexperienced or advanced dog. Training in an outdoors environment means there is no overcrowding, bad acoustics, slippery surfaces or scary surroundings! All classes include fun agility, searching, send away exercises as well as general obedience. The classes also include lots of confidence building exercises and you will work through our reward scheme which starts at Bronze and runs through to Gold Star.
Fun courses and workshops are also available on a regular basis. And courses are available which focus on heelwork and recall problems. Lots of fun activities run such as an agility club and working trials.
Behavioural consultations and one to one training is also available for those who require help with a specific problem or just require personal attention. We see lots of customers with dogs that are anxious around other dogs or people and look at why that might be. Your instructor will sit down with you and go through your day to day routine and what you do in certain situations to look at the relationship between you and your dog. Having got all the information we need your instructor will then create an individual routine with you and set out a training plan for you to follow. One to ones are usually done over a minimum of 6 weeks and as long as you follow everything your instructor suggests you will see a 90% improvement in your dog’s behaviour.
Training classes are held throughout the week, from Tuesday through to Sunday. We serve Maud, Aberdeenshire and the surrounding areas.